Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are proud parents of “four amazing miracles” – sons Liam, 6, and Finn, 6 months, and daughters Stella, 4, and Hattie, 1. With two in diapers, things are “definitely chaotic” in the Spelling-McDermott household, but Tori says things have “gotten easier” in recent weeks.
Tori and Dean open up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about teaming up with Habitat for Humanity and the Valspar Color Project. They go on to talk about their newest addition, a “tough little dude,” and their older kids who love to play “caretaker” to baby Finn.
CBS: Tell us about teaming up with Habitat for Humanity and the Valspar Color Project. What is the online video series all about? What will you be showcasing on the series? How can we get involved?
TS: “We’ve partnered with Valspar Color Project to do this amazing transformation in our playroom. We have four, small, little kids and the playroom is really the hub of our home. We spend all our time in that room and the room was really lacking energy. We couldn’t figure out what it was, then we realized it was color. It had drab, beige walls…it was a great space, a great playroom, but it was just missing something.
So, with Color Match through Valspar, we were able to pick our perfect color match and transform our room with Rushing Stream as our new color. It’s great because people can go onto Valspar Paint’s Facebook page and there’s a link and you can actually see our video. They can see how our room is transformed and they can also view an app…the Perfect Color Match App. And, they can do it themselves.
Valspar figured out, with our personalities, our perfect color match. They can take the quiz online, they can paint their room, and they can share their room. If they share their perfect color match, $1 is donated to Habitat for Humanity by Valspar.
So, once again, here are the steps: If they use the app and they pick their perfect color match, all they have to do is share their color match and $1 is donated by Valspar to Habitat for Humanity.”
DM: “It’s super easy!”
CBS: How’s Finn doing? What kind of baby is he?
TS: “Finn’s amazing. He’s 6 months now.”
DM: “He’s growing so fast.”
TS: “He is. It’s so funny, day-by-day you see their personalities coming out more and more. He’s such like a little man – like a tough, little dude. With 3 brothers and sisters running around him all the time, he’s just trying to keep up with them.”
DM: “He wants to get in there so bad.”
TS: “Yes, he loves them. Liam and Stella always want to hold him and we put him on them and he’s just like all over them – kissing their faces and stuff. It’s so cute!”
CBS: Does he seem like a different baby than your other three?
TS: “Well, we think he might actually have brown eyes. They’re all blue eyes.”
DM: “Yeah. He was born with blue eyes and they’re slowly changing to brown.”
TS: “They might stay…they might stay blue.”
DM: “I don’t know. They’re looking pretty brown, just like yours.”
TS: “He’s actually the brute of the group, I think.”
DM: “Yeah, he’s all boy. He’s sturdy, he looks like a little athlete already.”
CBS: How have the older children adjusted to baby Finn? Are they helpful?
DM: “Oh yeah!”
TS: “Liam and Stella are just great. They’re caretakers. They’re feeding him and holding him. Hattie and Finn are only 10 months apart, so she’s like a mommy. She goes over to him and is like, “Oh baby.” She thinks she’s talking baby-talk to him, but she’s really talking (inaudible) talk. So, it’s actually really funny to see how at that age that the maternal instincts kicks in. She tries to put the pacifier in his mouth.”
DM: “And, she’ll shove it in his eye, but you know.”
CBS: How are things going in the Spelling-McDermott household now that Finn is 6 months? Have you found your mommy groove with four kids?
TS: “It’s definitely chaotic in our house, but it is amazing. It’s definitely gotten easier. It was overwhelming at first, especially having 2 in diapers. I think that was the hard part, having them so close together.”
DM: “The more they become independent, it helps. Having Liam and Stella at the age they are, they’re really becoming independent. And, now Hattie is following. So, it certainly makes it a lot easier.”
TS: “The toughest part I think is the sleeping schedules. Everyone’s got a different sleeping schedule.”
CBS: What are your upcoming Mother’s Day plans? What does Mother’s Day mean to you?
TS: “Well, for me it means four amazing miracles. I have a lot to celebrate this Mother’s Day – an amazing, complete family. So, I am really, really blessed. I don’t know what we’re planning.”
DM: “No, we usually plan brunch. But, with four rugrats, maybe I’ll whip up brunch us. Mother’s Day is all about honoring moms. I’m blessed that the mom we have gave me four, beautiful little babies. And, it’s her day, so try and spoil her.”
CBS: Do you celebrate Earth Day in your house? How do you teach your kids to be eco-friendly?
TS: “Everyday is Earth Day in our house. We definitely try to teach our kids to take care of the earth. Just the other day, actually, in fact it was in the playroom, Liam came up and said, “I turned off the lights in the playroom because I don’t want the earth to get sick.” It was really cute. We teach all about recycling, we compost. We try our best to teach them how to take care of the earth.”
CBS: We understand you’re both working on books, and Dean, even a cooking show. Please share what readers and viewers can look forward to. What’s up next for you?
DM: “Oh boy, lot’s of stuff…lot’s of irons in the fire. I would love to get a cooking show off the ground. I would love to get a cookbook going, a restaurant. You name it. I’m really making strides in the culinary world. And, of course. T and I are always working on projects together, so we have stuff in development. Our hopes for 2013 is to get them all made.”
TS: “We’re both busy writing away. He’s writing his first cookbook right now and I’m writing my fourth memoir, so there’s a lot of writing going on.”
DM: “We both have our blogs, EdiTORIial by Tori Spelling (ToriSpelling.com) and The Gourmet Dad by Dean McDermott (DeanMcDermott.com).”
CBS: Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
DM: “It was just Liam’s birthday. He just turned 6.”
CBS: That’s awesome. Happy Birthday, Liam!
TS: “And, concerning the Valspar Color Project, Valspar also has the Love Your Color Guarantee, which is great because we totally encourage people when you’re doing a room, do it up with color – go for a pop of color. And, Valspar makes that easy because if you pick a color you don’t fall in love with, the Valspar Love Your Color Guarantee let’s you go back to Valspar and pick another color. It gets people motivated to try out color.”
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