In life the only certainty is uncertainty. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for the curveballs. Below are five worst-case scenarios that are actually very common. Instead of sticking our heads in the sand, let’s handle it like a mom and prepare for how we’ll tackle them.
What if There’s an Injury in a Car Accident
Almost every day we get into vehicles and blast down the road at speeds that exceed 35 miles per hour. Cars are essentially speeding metal boxes that contain our most precious cargo – our family. In a second, all that could change.
Despite amazing advancements in safety features, thousands of people are injured or killed in automobile accidents every day. Many times, car accidents involving injuries come with insurance claims which could lead to a lawsuit. You’ll want an expert, like Bachus & Schanker, LLC, a car accident attorney in Colorado, who works regularly with people who are seriously injured in car accidents. Many of those accidents are due to human error behind the wheel. How you react can also influence the situation. No matter who’s at fault for the accident, you’ll find it’s best to find legal representation that can handle the process while you rehabilitate.
The experts advise that drivers stay calm and call 9-1-1 immediately if there’s any possibility of an injury. There are many situations when minutes matter after an accident. It’s also worth the time and investment to install a crash alert system if one isn’t built-in. Impact sensors alert a monitoring center when there’s an accident. If you’re unable to call emergency responders, someone at the center will do t for you.
What if You Fall Ill
A serious diagnosis, like breast cancer that requires a mastectomy, can be devastating. It can change the entire family dynamic and force you to prepare for the worst. Instead of waiting until you have to make these important decisions during a very emotional situation go ahead and plan in advance.
Sit down with your significant other and have an honest conversation about what would happen if one of you were to get sick. Decide how you want to handle legal and financial matters. Figure out how you would get by on just one salary. Get paperwork like life insurance and medical power of attorney completed so there’s less to worry about.
What if there’s a House Fire
Do you and your kids know what to do and where to go if a fire breaks out in your house? Roughly 1,000 residential fires occur everyday in America. Most are minor, and quick action on the part of the owners can save lives, as well as the structure.
The first step to preparing for a fire is to put smoke alarms on each floor of the home and outside every bedroom. Today’s smart smoke alarms will send alerts to your phone and check the batteries for you. Next, make sure you have the appropriate fire extinguishers at key points in your home (kitchen, garage, upstairs).
Statistically, the vast majority of house fires start in the kitchen, but the ignition point could be anywhere. Create an evacuation plan that details how to get out of every room in the home, depending on where the fire is. Now practice those evacuations. That’s right, actually put your plan into action. This will help ingrain the evacuation plan in your minds and help you predict other problems that may arise during the evacuation.
What if You’re Caught in Floodwaters
It’s no secret the weather has been crazy the last few years. In 2016 the U.S. had more floods than any other year on record. Even if you don’t live in a floodplain, extreme weather can cause water to rise and there’s always the possibility of coming across a flood in your vehicle.
- Plan ahead by knowing where the low points are around your home and place of work. Anytime there is heavy rain avoid these areas.
- Know what to do in a flash flood. A flash flood can come on suddenly with no notice. If a flash flood warning occurs, move to higher ground immediately, especially if you are near a river, stream or creek.
- Turn around, don’t drown. Always remember that if you come across a washed out road. All it takes is a few inches of moving water to sweep away a vehicle.
What if there’s a Break-in or Home Invasion
The thought of someone breaking in is something no one wants to contemplate. Our house is like our own personal safety zone, but in actuality, someone could violate the boundaries at any time. That’s much less likely if you take steps to prevent break-ins and prepare if it does happen.
One of the best things you can do to prepare is installing an Internet-connected home security system that will send an alert to your phone. That way no matter where you are you can know what’s happening at home. A surveillance camera at the front door is a vital tool since many burglars use this access point. Motion detectors on the doors and windows can also let you know if someone is trying to get inside.
Break-ins while someone is home are rare, but what if it happens? Like fires, you should know your escape routes. Also, make it clear someone is home if you hear someone trying to break in. Police provide this advice because burglars are often looking for an empty house. If they know you’re there and awake, there’s a good chance they’ll bolt.
Whatever you do get yourself and your family members out of the home as quickly as possible. Get to a neighbor and call the police immediately.
These are just five worst-case scenarios in a world full of uncertainties. The best we can do is prepare in advance so we’re not caught completely off guard. Consider your location and lifestyle to determine what other emergencies may come your way.

Modern Day Moms
Modern Day Moms is an award-winning publication centered around motherhood that is real and unfiltered. Basically, we don't sugarcoat anything and aren't afraid to tell you the truth. Let's be best friends, we will make you feel more normal.
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