As you know, we added a new member to our family back in January: Oscar, a Boston Terrier puppy. My son requests that I bring him with me when I pick him up from school every day. I walk to do so (go green!) and it became a little harder each time. Oscar refused to walk on a leash for a while, so I had to carry him. Then he started gaining weight and holding a little 10…13…16 lb nugget became harder as he seemed to get heavier with each passing minute. Not to mention he would fight with me to try and love on all of the other parents who were waiting for their children. It became a struggle and I stopped bringing him with me. This upset my son, so I looked for an alternative. I found something I thought was funny at first, but then I thought it was brilliant. Since Oscar is still less than 6 months old, I prefer that he be exposed to other dogs or areas where dogs have been as little as possible for a while. It’s just like having a newborn baby…you wouldn’t take it to Chuck E’ Cheese during flu season. So I found the PetGear Pet Stroller. This stroller is very light and so easy to use. It can be compacted like most strollers for easy storage. We have the Happy Trails Pet Stroller and absolutely love it! And it is very affordable and comes in different colors. They also have other styles available. I would recommend looking into their products if you are like us and need an alternative solution for taking your fur baby on the go with you!
*We were given a product to review. All opinions are our own.
Wendy is a facebook administrator and editor for Modern Day Moms. She is a multi-purpose mom (aren’t we all, really?) who loves home decor, couponing, sewing, photography, Pinterest, frugal living… ok, pretty much all the same things that most women love! She enjoys spending time with her family and friends while living on the gulf coast. Her two Boston Terriers - Oscar and Lily - occasionally make appearances on MDM.
Josie Santos
11 years agoGiselle Santos
Modern Day Moms
11 years agoThere are a lot of times when people bring puppies around my child who is highly allergic and it makes me so nervous because they still may not be properly trained. I think this would calm my nerves so much. Thanks for sharing, Wendy! – J