Is there anything more beautiful than the arrival of a little baby? The ooh’s the ahh’s and the impossibly cute grunts and gurgles that come from them. But when it comes to buying for a new mother? We find ourselves stumped. Most new mothers will diligently buy every single item imaginable before the baby comes, which leaves few options for the well wishes. Fortunately, there are things our mummy either won’t think of, or won’t buy for herself.
New wheels
The most crucial item in any baby shop is a pram. Our mummy might be tempted to go for a second hand one in order to get all the other things she needs, so make sure this is an item that she doesn’t settle for and ask family and friends to go in on the item to make sure she (and the bub) are in good hands. Prams have come a long way in recent years and there is a model for every mum, whether she is a jogger, a traveller, or expecting two!
Books are often overlooked as a gift for new parents, but they are one of the most treasured items to give. A book is not only a tangible item, but it is also an experience that can be shared by baby and parent for many years to come. Stay away from the books are on trend at the time, as they won’t start the test of time. Go for the classic picture books and if you are stumped, chances are the ones you were brought up on are still going strong. Make sure you write on the inside of the cover and be sure to read the story to the child if you ever babysit.
Items for the future
So many gift-givers will give a gift that the parent can use now, or at the very most in the first year of life. And how could you know? Tiny little socks and tiny little shirts – is there anything more fun to buy! But, our new mother will be inundated with these items and soon enough she will need to replace it all. Choose items like bibs, toys they can interact with, and togs for their first dip at Christmas time. It’s also not a bad idea to give the mother items for the future too. In a couple of months, she is going to want a massage, facial, or even some movie tickets for her to steal away with a girlfriend.
Food relief
I know what you are thinking. It’s outside the box. But our new parents are going to be eating for sustenance and not for pleasure, and the very exercise of cooking will put pressure on the fragile routine they are trying to build. Sending some prepared meals their way will be an absolute god send, and one they will cherish with every bite. The many hours a week spent on cooking could be replaced with time together, sleep (good joke) or just having a scroll on facebook for the first time in a while. You can’t swing a cat without hitting a provider offering ready made meals or recipe-made meals so find the best one for the couple and make her day!
So much excitement comes with a baby, and that excitement is an ongoing rollercoaster that will never end for the parents. How you commemorate this celebration is a tricky task and you only have one shot at dazzling them. As they find their groove as first time parents, give the gift of ease, experience, the future or just a great home cooked meal.

Modern Day Moms
Modern Day Moms is an award-winning publication centered around motherhood that is real and unfiltered. Basically, we don't sugarcoat anything and aren't afraid to tell you the truth. Let's be best friends, we will make you feel more normal.
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