Our obsession with chalkboard paint runs deep, clearly shown in the last post we wrote about it.
I thought I would tell you all how to make your own Chalkboard Paint in ANY COLOR.
Basically, you need 2 things:
1. Flat Paint (any color)
2. Unsanded Tile Grout (found at local hardware store)
So here’s the deal. You will be using 2 tablespoons of unsanded grout per 1 cup of paint.
If you are going to be using a lot of paint, just play it by ear, and I mean, just pour the grout in until you then you’ve got enough. Really, it’s hard to screw this up. Kind of “figure out” in your head how many cups of paint you think you are working with and go from there. I would start with a little grout at a time… stirring it in until you’ve reached a good consistency that you can work with.
Mix with a paint stirrer, carefully breaking up clumps.
Have fun painting!
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13 years agoI just saw a similar post on how to create your own chalk paint on another site. This must be a trending topic. Love the idea. I need to remember it for when my little boy gets older.
Thanks for the post.
~Jocelyn (Nail Artist @ Polishpedia)
Modern Day Moms
13 years agoIt so is!! We love the idea. Very easy to DIY.