If you asked your child to close their eyes, smell coffee beans and describe what it is they are smelling, what do you think they would say? Some of the answers would surprise you!
Children are hilarious and also extremely adorable. When my child’s preschool teacher recently did a fun smell/taste activity with the children, I couldn’t help but want to share their answers with you.
Grab a handful of items that can be tasted/smelled. Make sure the child cannot see the item when guessing. Write down their guesses. The teacher gave the children 3 guesses for each item.
The Items & The Guesses
Mint: Lettuce, Broccoli, Coleslaw
Coffee: Dirt (this was a popular guess), Coffee, Cheese
Oreo: Chocolate
Cinnamon Stick: Pen, Stick, Granola Bar, Vanilla
Pepper: Dirt, Spice, Pepper, Coffee
Dryer Sheet (for laundry): Pencil, Sunscreen, Sand
Scented Cinnamon Candle: Spice
Perfume: Pepperoni, Spice, Plate, Candy, Plastic
Pizza Goldfish: Goldfish, Pizza
Sunscreen: Vanilla Yogurt
Vanilla Bean: Candy, Radish (that would be my child’s answer… radish? Really?)
For fun, you can even do this with your kids and write down their answers. Feel free to share them with us on facebook or in a comment below, we would love to see.

Modern Day Moms
Modern Day Moms is an award-winning publication centered around motherhood that is real and unfiltered. Basically, we don't sugarcoat anything and aren't afraid to tell you the truth. Let's be best friends, we will make you feel more normal.
Modern Day Moms
13 years ago AUTHORRadish gets me every time.