So, you decided to take a road trip with your family. You packed your bags, planned your route, and now are thinking of last minute things you may have forgotten. Luckily, you ended up here. In this post, we go over a few last minute hacks for your road trip. Keep your kids safe, entertained, and not whining about being hungry! Check out our list below!
Sparkle Bottles
To make these, you have to find the right ratios for you… but here are the ingredients:
1 Plastic Bottle
1 Bottle of Glue (Clear)
1 Bottle of Colored Glitter Glue
3 Different Kinds of Glitter
Food Coloring
Boil water in a medium saucepan
Pour the right amount into a glass jar, or a plastic bottle
Add some Clear Glue to thicken up the mixture. Stir for 1 minute.
Add Glitter Glue to give it some more texture and some glitter. Stir for 1 minute.
Add different kinds of glitter and food coloring. Stir until it’s all mixed up.
If the mixture is too watery, try adding more Clear or Glitter Glue.
Make a list of things you would see out the window. Print it out on a piece of paper and use a highlighter to mark off the ones you see. Use the list below as a starting point:
Blue Car
Person Running
Walking a dog
Big Truck
Police Car
Sweet Trail Mix
Mix small pretzels
Cheerios or Fruit Loops
Chocolate Raisins
Mini Marshmallows
Dip Pack
Smooth Peanut Butter
Written by Max, a marketing assistant for Superior Honda, a new and used Honda dealership in Louisiana.

Modern Day Moms
Modern Day Moms is an award-winning publication centered around motherhood that is real and unfiltered. Basically, we don't sugarcoat anything and aren't afraid to tell you the truth. Let's be best friends, we will make you feel more normal.
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