Hello, and welcome to Jess T.’s Book Club! Today, I simply MUST share a brand new book by Adam Mansbach, author of books like Angry Black White Boy and A Fictional History of the United States (With Huge Chunks Missing). This book is a “children’s book.” I use quotations because once I tell you the title, you will realize that though it will make your day, you can never EVER read it to your kids (unless you’re willing to make all other parents frown at you). So, without further ado, I give you…
Yes, you read that correctly. Now waaait, don’t leave yet. Hear me out! This book is HILARIOUS! It completely illustrates the bedtime struggle, from the standpoint of an exhausted and frustrated father – which is awesome in itself because not many children’s books are written from a dad’s perspective. The frank honesty and realism of Adam’s book makes this a great gift for new parents so they can prepare themselves for what no one really prepared us for (though I guess that ruins the surprise)!
See what I mean?!
When we received our copy, my husband and I immediately read it and couldn’t stop laughing! Then, we called our parents and read it to them and THEY couldn’t stop laughing! As a “potty-mouthed” parent with a taste for the crass and rude, I really can’t recommend this book enough. Now, when the girls are giving me trouble at bedtime I have a reason to giggle and that alone is worth the purchase price!
Pick up your copy today on Amazon and check out Adam Mansbach on Facebook!
*I was in no way compensated for this review. I bought the book myself and bought several for my friends!*

Modern Day Moms
Modern Day Moms is an award-winning publication centered around motherhood that is real and unfiltered. Basically, we don't sugarcoat anything and aren't afraid to tell you the truth. Let's be best friends, we will make you feel more normal.
14 years agoThis book is seriously SO hilarious. I laughed my way through it all!
14 years agoA friend of line recommended this to me a few weeks ago, I’m definitely going to get it now.
Jess T.
14 years agoAwesome! You’ll LOVE it!
via Facebook
14 years agoYou’re hot Jess t! – Jessica
via Facebook
14 years agoHA! Thanks? – Jess T.
14 years ago AUTHORI meant the nerdy book photo! Haha!