When choosing books for Miles, I tend to look for unique stories, funny books that make us laugh, and great pictures.
I recieved two books that I just have to share with you all, because ‘unique’ just isn’t enough to describe these!
and “AA is for AArdvark”
Two books that we have had so much fun reading!!!
“A is for Zebra” Takes you through the alphabet, but instead of your run of the mill ABC book, each letter is at the end of each word.
For example : “U is for Gnu” or “P is for Hip Hop”
“AA is for AArdvark” also goes through the alphabet in order, but instead of last letters, it highlights words with double letters!
For example: “FF is for waffles” and “UU is fo Vacuum”
Both books are written by Mark Shulman, and illustrated by Tamara Petrosino. The illustrations are too fun, and some have made Miles laugh!
We enjoy reading them to Miles, and I can’t wait till he’s a little older and can help to point out WHERE the last or double letters are in each word. What a fun way to help teach these confusing concepts!
**We were given both books for use of review, but my opinion is real. We love these books!**

Modern Day Moms
Modern Day Moms is an award-winning publication centered around motherhood that is real and unfiltered. Basically, we don't sugarcoat anything and aren't afraid to tell you the truth. Let's be best friends, we will make you feel more normal.
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