[alert-announce]This giveaway has ended. Winner’s have been announced below. [/alert-announce]
The newly redesigned, award-winning CribShield from BreathableBaby reduces risk of suffocation and entanglement. Combines innovation with safety to offer everyone a better night’s sleep. Soft, breathable mesh panels keep baby’s arms and legs safely inside.
The CribShield Full Coverage Mesh Liner is used after the bumper has been removed from the crib at 9 months or when baby can sit up unaided or pull to a standing postion.

Features and benefits of the CribShield:
– Helps prevent rebreathing carbon dioxide
– Helps keep arms and legs from getting stuck in crib slates
– Easy wrap design
– Adjustable fasteners for a secure fit
– Helps keep pacifiers in the crib
– No gaps in corners
– No chemicals
– Hypoallergenic

Giveaway Details
We are giving away 5 CribShields (5 winners) from BreathableBaby. All you have to do is leave a comment below and let us know how you could benefit from this! We will pick a winner randomly on Friday, October 12th. Open to US and Canada.
and the winners are:
1. Amanda B.
2. Tina M
3. joselyn mora
4. Staci A.
5. Caroline
12 years agoi think my son will benifit from this since hes at the age where he wants to chew on everythin and im just afraid his poor teeth would be hurting him if we dont so anything about it. i would love this product !
Sarah H
12 years agoI just found out I’m pregnant and everything cost so much money this would be great…. One thing to check off my have to find money to buy list!!
Sarah H
12 years agoNot to mention I would be winning on my birthday !!!
kaitlin bielstein
12 years agoMy son is 5 months and is still in his bassinet. the price of things are out of this world expensive….i would love to have a new crib for him!!!
12 years agojust found out i’m pregnant again, this would be awesome since with my son we had so many issues of him getting his leg caught in the rails, etc.
Kathleen e
12 years agoMy 10 month old spends most of the night still in my room bc I’m nervous leaving her in the crib. This would help us all! Thanks!!
Kristin Joustra
12 years agoI would love this for my daughter!
12 years agoI have a 15 month old and am expecting my 2nd next month. I would love this product because my 1st son had to be moved into the pack n’ play when his pacifier kept falling out through the slats of his crib. This is the perfect solution for us, so big brother can move into the crib when the new little one comes! Thank you!
12 years agoI am expecting my first born this year and am over joyed! I am still in college working to get my DR and so I am pretty tight on money. Anything I can get would be so helpful and very much appreciated. I think my baby would benefit greatly from this. My biggest fear is my baby suffocating in it’s crib and this would be one precaution that would help ease my mind! Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Roxanne R.
12 years agoI wIll be having my baby end of October. It will be great to have a crib I never had a crib before for my other two. Since it will be our last baby it will help make this special occasion memorable and will help us by saving us money we cause towards other baby items.
Titina L
12 years agoI just found out im pregnant. i have a 3 year old already and i just lost my job and can not work till after i have my baby. so with only the father working getting the stuff we need like a crib will be difficult.
12 years agoI would love and appreciate this product because I am 37 Weeks today and I do not have much for my baby boy! If picked I would be very happy, and thankful. And so would my son. This would help so much :)
Erica Tamariz
12 years agoThis would be great for my son’s crib when he starts sleeping in his own room in a couple of months. I’d wouldn’t be so paranoid about something happening to him like suffocating or getting his arms/legs stuck in the crib bars!
12 years agoMy 5 month old is a little wiggle worm and gets her legs caught in the railing of her crib and always looses her pacifier
Paige N
12 years agoMy husband and I are expecting our first baby on December 18! We haven’t gotten any kind of crib shield or bumpers, so I think this would be a great addition. We are the first our of our friends to have a baby, so if we win this product we will be able to recommend it to all of our friends that will be building their own families soon as well!
Liz Ticona
12 years agoI could benefit from this because i have a 3 1/2 wk old baby boy at home and my sister bought him a bumper for his crib and it makes me nervous to have it there, i’d love to have this breathable one. I contemplated taking the bumper out but i get scared his foot or arm could get stuck in between the railings. winning this product would give me peace of mind which is every parents best gift! :)
Amanda B
12 years agoMy heart literally skipped a beat when I saw this post. We love our breathable bumpers, they are fantastic. Unfortunately though, they don’t help keep our 10 month old from trying to climb out of his crib. Recently he attempted to climb out and got his leg stuck in between the slats. I still can’t get the sound of that scream out of my head. I felt awful. As a mom you should be able to keep your children safe in their own crib, but how do you do that when they are to little for a toddler bed? This is a fantastic product. As a SAHM I would absolutely LOVE to win it!
Evelyn G
12 years agoI’m expecting soon and since cribs are so expensive, it would help out a lot.
joselyn mora
12 years agoMy little one will benefit from this because it is much safer than traditional bumpers that came with her bedding. I recently was laid off and we decided not to put bumpers on since we couldnt quite afford this safer alternative.
12 years agoMy 6 month old is a very active sleeper and we often find his limbs in between the rails or his nose pushed up against it. I was never comfortable using bumpers and this seems like the perfect alternative. Thanks for sharing this new product!
Genevieve Vega
12 years agoI know my daughter would greatly benefitfrom because it is hypoallergenic and at a month old she already has allergies and it is breathable so therefore it could help out if not greatly improve her allergies in a side by side comparison with the cotton one we have now.
angelica melendez
12 years agoMy baby is 11 months and one on the way due on Nov 1 I think this will be safest crib for them because shes very active sleeper it will be great and will help alot.
Sean McMenamy
12 years agoThis looks like an amazing product, and would benefit our 23 month old daughter greatly. She is a mover and a shaker. This product would keep me and Momma feeling our baby girl is safely sleeping in her crib. Not to mention, we are expecting our baby boy due December 20th, so if the product lives up to its expectations we’ll have to purchase one more.
Gina Connolly
12 years agoWe are expecting twins (unplanned) and have done a great job with getting hand me down clothes and equipment, but I can’t find these wonderful things used anywhere! I was able to purchase 1 so I only need 1 more. Winning this would help me get some much needed sleep that I didn’t get with my 1st daughter who is now 2 years old. Wish I would have had one for her when she was a newborn. I must have checked on her 10+ times everynight because she would hug the bumper pad in her crib, and it made me so nervous. Crossing my fingers!!!
Lindsey Thomas
12 years agoMy husband and I are having our first baby due March 4, 2013. This looks like a safer alternative to the standard bumpers to go in baby’s new crib.
Katie Marks
12 years agoAnything to keep my baby safer is a huge benefit! My first-born got stuck under a bumper once and I tore it off and tossed it immediately. She also got her leg stuck between the slats once. This would be awesome to have to prevent both of those things from happening to my baby, not to mention saving the nuk from rolling on to the floor :n)
Tonya Arant
12 years agoI am pregnant with my 3rd child. This shield would be such an asset and welcomed gift. My 2 year old kept getting his arms and legs caught between the rails on his bed, I wish I would have had this for him. We had to quickly move him to a toddler bed. Anything to keep the new baby safe, and in the baby bed, would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
Janet W.
12 years agoMy youngest grandson could really benefit from this because he’s constantly sticking his legs through the crib slats and gets them stuck and flips out when he wakes up. Also, it would keep his toys in the crib better and not constantly falling out. It will also protect him when he falls while walking around in his crib.
Jeanne-Annette Johnson
12 years agoI would love to have a crib shield because I am afraid my next baby – due in May – will follow in the steps of his elder brothers. They used to give me slight heart attacks getting their legs and arms stuck in the bars. With my twins, I bought small breathable crib liners, but then my boys would amuse themselves by tearing off the liners and toss everything on the floor! I desperately need something to keep Baby Next safe and sound and of high quality. These crib liners look to fit the bill for what I’m looking for.
Staci A
12 years agoWe currently do not have a bumper in our little guy’s crib and I worry about him getting an arm or leg stuck. This would provide safety and reassurance for us!
12 years agothis would be great for my baby girl! would keep her legs from getting stuck!
Courtney H.
12 years agoThis would be perfect for us because I would personally feel better. I am still such a worry wart about my little man sleeping in the crib all by himself. He is 7 months, and hes a big boy but he still looks so small in the big crib all alone. If we had this I would feel better about his safety and well being.
12 years agoMy little girl is 7 1/2 months and will be needing something like this soon!
12 years agoMy youngest son would benefit from using this in his crib because his room gets so hot and we always keep a fan on in his room to keep it cool.
tina marin
12 years agoI’m having a baby in April. Its been 10 years since I had a baby! I could really use this :) tinamarin79@Gmail
12 years agoI had a new neice a week ago and she needs a pink safe bumper
Christina Fedorak
12 years agoMy son is only two weeks old and can already spit his soother across the room. These pads will at least contain it to his crib! They look awesome!
natalie s
12 years agoThis will help keep my sons legs from getting stuck in the rails! Nlevdan3 at Yahoo dot com
12 years agoI would love to win this for my mom! She has foster kids and isn’t allowed to use real bumpers. The baby keeps getting stuck in the crib bars. This would be so awesome!!!
Tracy S
12 years agoMy son has gotten both his arm and leg stuck outside of the crib a few times. This would be fabulous!
Mindy R.
12 years agoI would love to win it simply because of the safety reasons… Looks like a great product!!!
12 years agothis has to be one of the best inventions for the crib at least i think so def need one
12 years agoWe could use it for our daughter, we had to take her breathable bumper down, after I saw her trying to step on it to use it to try and climb out. Had to take it out! But have found her arm in between the rails at night which scares me!! I have two baby girls who could use it!!!
12 years ago9 month old baby girl is now pulling herself up in the crib. I’m afraid she will get her arm or leg stuck.
12 years agoHi. I purchased a bedding set for my daughter-in-law and it is not returnable. Just found out it did not have a bumper pad. Read up on bumper pads and found that some feel they are not safe and that the breathable baby pads and shields are a much better alternative. Went driving around this morning trying to find them in the stores. They must not be in our part of Canada yet. Her baby is due next month and she is having a shower that I would love to be able to give the baby shield to her along with the bedding set I bought. Winning this would just make my day as I live out of town and so checking out stores takes a lot of time. This would benefit me as I would know my new grandchild was safe it his/her crib and it would be an interesting item to give at a baby shower.
Amanda B
12 years agoWere the winners selected? Just checking. :)
Modern Day Moms
12 years ago AUTHORYes, will be announced shortly! In about 30 minutes. :)