Welcome to Tech Talk where we share the latest information, trends and must-have tech goodness. Today, our post is benefitial for companies who need to collaborate with clients and employees on a daily basis. We are talking about CDW and their new Cloud Collaboration.
CDW is your go-to for cloud collaboration and great for businesses and people who need to share presentations, video conferencing, voicemail and more.
The new CDW Cloud Collaboration is fabulous for companies who need to share details and projects with their employees or clients without having to communicate back and forth via e-mail or phone call. This will allow for video conferencing as well, which I know is a big thing for a lot of people.
Collaboration encompasses a variety of communication tools and technologies, including voice, voicemail, mobility, video conferences, contact center services, instant messaging and presence.
CDW Cloud Collaboration is an efficient way to use the power of the cloud to effectively deliver collaboration applications to your staff. The best thing about it is that it provides access anywhere, any time and on ANY device!
Although this is a new solution, CDW is not new to Unified Communication or to hosting collaboration tools. They have completed more than 4,000 Cisco Unified Communication deployments over the past decade. The 485,000 sq foot data center runs 8.2 megawatts of power to support world-class virtualization, storage and optimization services.
You've got to remember, these are expert’s who get IT and they are willing to help make your lives easier. Don't be afraid to ask questions and find out more information. Another way to find out details, you can check out CDW’s Solutions blog to stay up to date and learn about the latest developments and information.
To learn more about Cloud Collaboration and how it could benefit you, check out the video below:
We hope this will make your life easier in some way and allow you take your business to the next level.
CDW is a current advertiser on my blog. All opinions are mine.

Modern Day Moms
Modern Day Moms is an award-winning publication centered around motherhood that is real and unfiltered. Basically, we don't sugarcoat anything and aren't afraid to tell you the truth. Let's be best friends, we will make you feel more normal.
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