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There are a few cleaning products I can’t live without. You see, I”m not a fan of cleaning so I tend to enjoy products that make my life a little easier. With these products mentioned below, I have found that cleaning is a breeze.
Swiffer SweeperVac
I have mentioned the Swiffer SweeperVac on this site many times and for good reason. I have used a Swiffer SweeperVac for over 3 years and I won’t go back. It is the easiest way to clean up little messes, crumbs, dirt, dust… you name it.
Swiffer 360 Duster

The Swiffer 360 Duster allows you to dust things like your tv, lamps, cabinets, curtains, blinds, table & more… in just few short swipes. It really is a great thing to have around the house and I found myself using them often.
Leah H
13 years agoBy using these Swiffer products, it would make cleaning more fun and enjoyable :) Who dosent like fun cleaning gadgets?! I sure do :)
13 years agoI live in a house that was built in 1942. It has its original hardwood floors through out. They are beautiful, every scuff and squeak! I am also a mother of a 3 month old boy, who I know will be crawling soon enough. The swiffer would help me tame all of the rouge dust bunnies that seem to huddle under my dining room table and ensure that the don’t end up catching a ride on some sticky little boy hands!
Staci A
13 years agoLiving with three boys, I always have a ton of messes to clean. These would make keeping after them so much simpler!
Jessica S.
13 years agoWith a 3 year old and a 1 year old, this would make my life a bit easier!
13 years agoWe just bought the swiffer handheld duster.It was on sale at our local store. It is so great! It has saved so much time and can get into the spaces that a rag cannot get into. The dust clings to the pad and doesn’t fly all over like a feather duster. I would love to try the swiffer mop or the duster mop and see what amazing things they can do to save me time and help me keep our house clean.If it is anything like the hand held duster, I will be very pleased.
Deborah Thomas
13 years agoI could sure use one of these to help stay on top of the dust bunnies from my dogs that I am always finding all over the house.
13 years agoI am disabled and Swiffer would make my floor cleaning experience so much more effecient and enjoyable ! Have a Blessed Day !
Katie J.
13 years agoWe are foster parents, and always have our house full of kids for weekend care and such. This product would be very beneficial as I run around trying to keep up with everyone, all while trying to keep the house acceptable looking. ;-)
Ben W
13 years agoThe ease to use and compact storage is great!
13 years agoI’ve got to be brief since my daughter just deleted my huge comment… I live with a 1 year old, 26 year old and his dad. I sweep and mop multiple times a day. I’m in college full time and take care of everything. This would help me out so, so much!
Carolyn g
13 years agoI follow swiffer on FB
I would benefit from these products because I have tile and hardwood floors and the swiffer vac would be fantastic
Kearsten Weeks
13 years agoI have Lupus and my joints cause me chronic pain. Any tool that will help make my cleaning easier and leaves me in less pain will be greatly appreciated. With three kids and four pets to clean after I love all my swiffer products.
13 years agoI currently clean the floors by getting on my hands and knees! I have a baby due in three weeks and every penny is being saved to benefit her. It would be so helpful to have a cleaning helper with the new baby coming!(:
13 years agoWith 3 cats, a dog and a baby I could really use a swiffer to keep my floors clean!
Stacey Chaffee
13 years agoI liked Swiffer on fb!
Being a mom I can think of plenty of uses for both these products! My kitchen and bathrooms will thank you ;)
Mindy J
13 years agoMy one little guy makes more mess than I can keep up with. Our wood floors require me to sweep constantly, but I hate all the “left over” dirt and dust. I would love one of these!!!
Mindy J
13 years agoJust “liked” swiffer on Facebook!
Kristi K
13 years agoWith a dog who sheds constantly and a baby who is almost crawling, a clean floor is a must! The swifter would definitely help to keep my floors clean for my little girl!
13 years agoI would love to win! I have 4 kids under the age of 7 so there is lots of cleaning going on around here! Thanks for the chance to win! Oh and I like swifter on Facebook.
13 years agoI “like” Swiffer on Facebook.
13 years agoWho couldn’t benefit from these? Anyone who cleans their own house should have these.
13 years agoI could benefit from this product because my old mop just broke!!!
13 years agoFollower of FB.
Sarah Holston
13 years agoWith all my little crumb makers around here I could definetly use some help! Also the kids might just think dusting is fun with the 360 duster.
Lauren Reyez
13 years agoI’d use these to clean up after my toddler and dog! I was just at target looking at them too. Between their food crumbs and the dog hair my floors look gross.
13 years agoWe have hardwood floors throughout our entire first story. With Troy running around making a mess all day long, our floor are gross by the end of the day. I have to sweep daily. This product would be awesome. I’ve also been wanting to try out the dusters for some time now, my house gets super dusty quick!
Lisa B.
13 years agoI shared on twitter!!/BrunoDogg2/status/164467411825852417
Lisa B.
13 years agoI would really love this because I have two boys and something like this would make clean up much easier!
Lisa B.
13 years agoI like Swiffer on facebook!
13 years agoI really would like to win a swiffer. I need a new one!