Picking the baby food you decide to feed to your little one can be tough. There’s a lot to consider, after all. We are talking about the first foods they will ever eat! If you are looking for something that is convenient, yet as close to nature as can be, then I may have just the thing for you.
NuturMe Baby Foods.
Here’s the deal. I made my own baby food. I am just that kind of person. I like to do it myself. I need to know what I’m putting into that precious tiny body! But, that doesn’t mean I didn’t need things to be convenient sometimes. There were times that I didn’t have time to make a batch, or for this reason or that, I wasn’t able to bring the home-made stuff with me. Mostly on really long trips away from the house where I wasn’t going to be able to keep stuff cool for long enough.
I wish I had known about this food back then. NurturMe is awesome!! The company was created by moms who basically faced my same dilemma. What do you do when you can’t always do it yourself? Caroline Freedman and Lauren McCullough are the moms, and they came up with a better way. You can visit the website for a video about them, and for more about the company.
It might sound silly to be so excited about baby food, but this one is different from any other I have seen before. They have decided to quick dry their foods. The benefit of quick drying instead of typical canning methods is the food actually retains more nutrition. This method allows for the absolute most nutrients retained as you can get in a packaged product.
These guys are super convenient. Since it’s a dried powder in a small packet, you don’t have to carry around jars that might chip, or get broken in a diaper bag. I love that these are light weight, which also means easier transport. If you don’t use a whole packet (maybe your baby is just starting out and doesn’t eat a whole packet yet), you can just save it on the counter for later. Or in your purse…the diaperbag…wherever. These don’t need to be refrigerated after opening!
They are also Earth friendly! Since they are small, they use less packaging. And less packaging means less stuff to transport out to the stores. That also means less trash in the landfill.
So how does it work? Easy. Just add water. That’s it! Each packet equals 2.5 ounces of baby food. You can add it to cereals or other puree’s also, just like the jarred stuff. You can even mix it with expressed breast milk if you want.
NuturMe isn’t just for first stage baby foods, though. I tried it with my tot too! I used the squash and mixed it in to mac and cheese. She didn’t even notice it was there. I tasted it, and aside from a slightly sweeter flavor, you can’t tell! See that mac and cheese pic? There’s squash in there. Doesn’t even look like it! This could be a great way to add nutrients to a toddlers diet, who might otherwise be picky.
Here’s some cute recipes from NuturMe. Fun ways to add in some more fruits and veggies to your picky eater’s diet!
With no sugar added, no salt, no unnecessary ingredients, no preservatives, and certified organic, NuturMe gets my seal of approval. I am actually going to keep some hanging around to mix in to foods when I feel like my daughter might not be eating as healthy as I’d like. You know those times, right? The times where they will only eat one food all week long? Yeah….I’ll save these for then!
You can buy NuturMe at Babies “R” Us or order them online from Alice! Remember we talked about how cool Alice.com is? Well, now they are super MEGA cool for carrying NuturMe! You get free shipping on any order of 6 or more items!
Find NuturMe on Facebook and Twitter also.
*NuturMe provided samples for me to try, but all opinions are my own.
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Pingback: Foodie Friday: Baby Food | Modern Day Moms™ | The Essential Modern Mom Guide on February 16, 2013
Pingback: Foodie Friday: NuturMe Recipe And Giveaway | Modern Day Moms™ | The Essential Guide for Modern Parents on February 16, 2013
13 years agoHow neat! I wish I knew about these!
13 years agoThis is awesome! What a cool concept! Def. remembering this for my next baby!